No Need to Panic

No Need to Panic

Your data is possibly your biggest liability.  When you have a proper Disaster Recovery Solution in place, there is no need to panic.

A DR Plan recognizes that Data Redundancy is necessary.  How you have Data  Redundancy can be  easy with “Zones”.

Each of these zones have Pros and cons; Cost and Recovery time and administration are important factors that need to be considered against the needs of the business.

The best Disaster Recovery scenario would have a combination of onsite and offsite backups.


The Hot zone – Your Live data on your server/workstation/laptop

Data changes happen all the time and needs to be accessible most of the time for business operations.

This zone offers fast or immediate data access, but the implementation cost is usually high.  Recovery time is very ver y fast.


The Warm zone – a second copy of your data to a local medium (e.g.  tape backup or USB Drive or NAS or SAN)

Data can easily be retrieved & is retained for a set amount of time determined by company policy.

This zone offers slower access to your data, but the costs aren’t as high.


The  Cold Zone – a tertiary copy of your data offsite, possibly backed up via a cloud online backup service or replicated to another server at another location

Data is not needed except for extreme or unusual circumstances.

This zone offers the slowest data access speeds, but the cost is usually very low.  Recovery time could take days.

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