Apple IOS vs Google Android vs Microsoft Windows Phone 8 vs Blackberry

Apple IOS vs Google Android vs Microsoft Windows Phone 8 vs Blackberry

Where do you stand when you look for a mobile device such as a tablet or a smartphone?  For some people, it depends on their job.  For others, it depends on what the latest and/or hottest device is. For others, its almost a religion – called fanboy-ism.  As with every technological decision, DMAC Technology Group takes these options and weighs them based on your perceived needs, features, support and cost.  Making the right decision is more important to your happiness and your wallet. The need to easily and perhaps to a lesser extent globally communicate socially and throughout business is a necessity, but how we communicate is not.  Below are ways to communicate (and most fall into the features category).

We can have bio and techno communication.

We can communicate without using technology (face to face), but this involves a lot of travel and is cost and time prohibitive.

We can also communicate using the telephone, cellphones, satellite phones or smartphones via PSTN (public switched telephone and cellular network) or Voice-over-IP (VOIP).  We can also choose to utilize our computer with VOIP applications like skype, and/or  hybrid solutions like google voice (mostly VOIP) or by instant message applications like Aol Instant Message (AIM).  We can also communicate with appliances such as a Polycom or cisco web conferencing solution or by simply using an xbox kinect.  Lastly, we can also communicate via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), email, text or sms messages (and iMessage) or by writing and mailing letters and postcards.  Technology allows us to meet the need to communicate in many, many ways.

The smartphone is probably the #1 way to communicate for most people and for good reason.  The features of a cellphone range from basic “call only”  to feature phones with additional features and then to advanced smartphones. Traditionally, having a smartphone usually means selecting a carrier.  There are 4 major carriers in the USA (in size order):  Verizon (CDMA), AT&T (GSM) , Sprint/Nextel (CDMA)and TMobile/MetroPCS (GSM).  Coverage and reliability range from location to location.  Generally speaking, Verizon has the best coverage and AT&T is in second place.  Some carriers offer dual CDMA/GSM handsets for international coverage.

The selection of phones vary for each carrier and new smartphones were usually subsidized locking you into a contract.  While Verizon seems to be the slowest in getting (and updating) the newest devices because of verizons stringent internal compatibility testing, most carriers offer a good range of phones.  In no particular order, the top phones are the Apple iPhone with IOS, Samsung Galaxy S4 with Android, HTC One with Android and the Nokia Lumina with Windows Phone 8 OS… and for business, don’t forget the Blackberry.

Unfortunately, When selecting a carrier,  you usually end up choosing voice minutes and a mandatory data plan.  Look for a carrier that has 4G LTE in your area for faster data speeds when using that data plan.  MetroPCS, Cricket, Virgin Mobile and Boost are reputable companies that also offer cellular service by using the larger carrier networks for service.  For example, Virgin Mobile uses Sprint’s network.  In the past, these smaller carriers offered greater voice and data plan flexibility compared to larger carriers, but times are changing and the larger carriers are taking notice (and action per below)… On the opposite end of forced plans are smaller companies.  While being a major carrier, TMobile continues to innovate to compete with the bigger 3.   TMobile has introduced a new service model called that does away with contracts and subsidized phones and earlier phone upgrades called ‘JUMP’.  As of this writing, Verizon is rumored to begin offering a plan called ‘VZ Edge’ to allow for faster upgrades (most likely by paying extra each month).  This is contrary to AT&T’s recently updated policy that forces you to keep your subsidized phone for a full 2 yrs (instead of 18 month) before a new smartphone upgrade.  However, even this is changing as AT&T is introducing another program called “NEXT” with no fees and yearly upgrade incentives. But I’m sure you’ve heard some or even all of this before – but here’s the difference.

There are also non-traditional methods that allow you to use a smartphone without the forced carrier high costs.  Akin to craigslist hurting newspaper ad revenue, the internet and VOIP has hurt the phone companies.  Communicating via VOIP, when done right, can save you or your company hundreds of dollars a year.  While great, VOIP does have its challenges, nor is it the end all.  DMAC Technology Group was able to reduce the cell phone bill of one  customer from almost $200/month to about $55/month without using VOIP and another customer from $70/month to $4/month by switching to VOIP.   Both customers with the same features yet vastly different cost after DMAC Technology Group helped.   Devastating changes like this is where large enterprises are saving money.  I cannot speak for every enterprise, but if a large enterprise is not using VOIP, they will be in the very near future.  These cost savings amount to reduced costs and higher profits.

Long ago, Commodore was a great company, but failed with what was arguably the best computer system at the time – The Amiga.  Choosing the wrong technology or in this case, the wrong smartphone can hurt you for years.  If the smartphone you buy today does not have the proper features (or support and customer service) you need tomorrow, that’s more money out of your pocket.  Consider your needs carefully and choose phones with NFC technology, Virtualization, 4G LTE capable and a replaceable battery.  DMAC Technology Group is looking out for our customers.  Is your technology company doing that for you?

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