HDHomerun Comments Part 1

HDHomerun Comments Part 1


  1. Nice…
    I tried this just using windows7 and allow incoming connections.
    I can connect and browse my network from internet, but cannot discover hdhomerun.
    Any ideas?


  2. @Angelo Restrepo, @Jake_1006 Please see my followup post here: http://www.phreefi.com/2012/01/accessing-your-hd-homerun-prime-from_18.html

  3. Where do you “type” step 17?

    After I leave 16 black it just brings me to a blue screen with Login, Configure Network, and Set Timezone as option.

    Will not let me set a password.


  4. @Tyler A, Sounds like you [got] logged out. Try logging back in as root, then type the command.

  5. @Daron, Thanks for sharing. Being a new to this, thought I would share my expierince.
    I installed the VMware on my main workstation PC with a Lan connection to Router. This PC will act as the VPN server to allow remote connections. This PC must be on with the OpenVPN AS virtual machind running inside of VMware in order to access your HDHomeRun Prime from the internet. This setup allows Ubuntu OS to run inside of your Windows OS as this method of VPN runs on Ubuntu OS.

    1- Download and install vmware player. https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_player/5_0.
    2- Download and UnZip the OpenVPN’s Virtual Appliance (VMware) into a permanent location such as Desktop, Openvpn program folder or anywhere. http://openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/download-openvpn-as-vm/164.html?osfamily=Virtual%20Appliance%20%28VMWare%29&ex=1.
    3- Run VMware Player. In Properties, I checked “run this program as an administrator” but may not be required.
    4- In VMware Player, select: Player->File->Open. Find and select the .vmx file currently called “OpenVPN-AS-Appliance.vmx” from step 2.
    5- Highlight OpenVPN AS and click on “Play virtual machine”. Start the virtual machine in vmware player. After starting the machine, you will see linux boot.
    6- login as root (the password is openvpnas)
    7- Upon startup, it will ask you to type DELETE the existing config. Do it. The command “ovpn-init” at the “root@localhost:~#” prompt will reset this first setup and bring you back to this step.

    8- Enter YES to accept agreement
    9- Yes to be a primary Access Server node
    10- 1 for all interfaces
    11- 943 for admin web ui default port
    12- 443 for OpenVPN daemon
    13- yes for client traffic to be routed
    14- yes for RFC1918 private subnets to be accessible
    15- yes for “openvpn” Admin account name
    16- leave blank unless you know what you are doing – All OpenVPN Access Server downloads come with 2 free client connections for testing purposes.
    17- This step failed for me on a wireless connection. At command prompt “root@localhost:~#”, Type:
    wget http://swupdate.openvpn.org/as/openvpn-as-1.8.4-Ubuntu8.i386.deb

    dpkg -i openvpn-as-1.8.3-Ubuntu8.i386.deb

    passwd openvpn

    You will be asked to enter a password. This is a new password you create to access the OpenVPN server settings from your windows browser.


  6. 18- Now logout. Command= exit
    19- Choose ‘Configure Network’. Set a static IP, type “n”. Enter your network settings. Use Ctl+Alt to switch back to Windows OS. I didn’t need to add this static IP to my router’s address reservation list.
    20- In your Windows browser go to http://whatismyip.com/ and record your EXTERNAL IP. No port shown or needed.
    21- In you Windows browser go to the url address shown on the virtual machine’s window. Don’t forget the “s”. Example:
    22- Login with Username= openvpn & password from step 17. I had many “Unhandled Exception” errors. Had to use Windows Explorer to get in.
    23- Agree to the terms.

    24- Click Server Network Settings
    25- For the Hostname or IP Address enter the ip address you got from step 20.
    26- Click Save settings

    27- Click VPN Mode
    28- Change it to Layer 2
    29- Click Save settings

    30- Click General under Authentication
    31- Choose Local
    32- Click Update running server
    33- Click Save Settings

    In your router/firewall,
    34- Port forward TCP port 443 to the ip address of the virtual machine… the same ip from step 21.
    35- Port forward UDP port 1194 to the ip address of the virtual machine… the same ip from step 21.

    36- Test Connectivity:
    Go back to the openvpn server config screen in your browser and click Connectivity Test under Tools. Click ‘Stop the server’ and then Click ‘Test Connectivity’. If you get success in both boxes, go to ‘Satus Overview’ under status and click ‘Start Server’. Leave it running!

    37- I tethered my laptop to my 4G cell phone. Entered my Home Network External IP into browser. Enter User & password from step 17 and select Connect. First time, I was prompted to install the Connect Client. I use a diffent browser to connect to OpenVPN and minimize it from the browser I use to surf net as it must stay open to stay connected. My method to prevent accidental closure.
    38- This My HDHomeRun Setup could connect to the tuners but I couldn’t see my other network Hardware not could WMC find the tuners. This was due to a firewall issue. Windows considers TAP-Win32 Adapter OAS in your network settings an External connection. I had to turn off all Windows Firewalls in the Control Panel.

    I was able to stream SD stations over 4G without issues. HD was another story. SD=1.5GB/hour HD=6GB/hour.



    1. @Icyman, AWESOME! I’m not sure if you found the firewall issue on your own or from my troubleshooting steps but I did want to repost a link just in case someone else finds that troubleshooting may be necessary: http://www.phreefi.com/2012/01/accessing-your-hd-homerun-prime-from_18.html.

      Thank you very much for taking the time to document and share for everyone else.



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